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Chekinah Olivier: “Securing investments for mining companies in Africa”

Updated: Jul 24

Chekinah Olivier, founder of OL Mining Inc., aims to revolutionize the mining sector by providing detailed maps of natural resources, a tool vital for both companies and governments.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), with its abundant diamonds, gold, copper, and cobalt, exemplifies the urgent need for this service. The DRC's existing resource data is outdated, relying on incomplete colonial-era records.

Mr Olivier emphasizes that accurate resource mapping is crucial for governments to effectively negotiate with multinationals. OL Mining, in partnership with Spanish company Xcalibur Multiphysics, is tackling this issue by creating comprehensive maps of African and developing countries' resources. This effort bridges the gap between early 20th-century field mapping and modern satellite imaging.

Detailed mapping is essential for informed investment and negotiation, ensuring that countries like the DRC can fully leverage their resource wealth.

Article from BM Magazine. Read more here or in the PDF below.


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